Tuesday, March 20, 2007

naked time

well, i guess i really like talking about nakedness. tonight, ben gave the boys their bath. when they got out, i was eating my dinner at the table and on the phone to my sister-in-law, kadi. joel ran into the kitchen, naked, and saw me eating and wanted to eat, too. so, he opened the fridge, got a piece of bread out and asked to sit in his booster seat. i put him in his chair to eat his bread and here he is...

kadin wanted to get in on the naked action, too. here he is playing with his fire engine. we bleeped out his privates for your benefit. :) i must say, there's nothing better than some good ol' naked time.


i'm jackie. he's doug. said...

Now why isn't it cute when adults eat dinner completely naked? I suppose there's an entire Seinfeld episode about that isn't there.

The Richardsons said...

That is so cute! Kids are close to heaven, and they like to be naked, Adam and Eve were close to heaven and they were naked....maybe we're missing something! lol