Monday, February 23, 2009

hopping aboard the crazy train

we took kadin's LAST diaper off this morning. yep, we're potty training little dude #2. "you're crazy!" i hear you say. ya, pretty much. maybe the sleep deprivation from all the night feedings is affecting my mental capacity, but the diaper purchases are taking a toll on our budget... AND it's supposed to rain all week so it's a good week to stay in... AND life is already tough right now with a new baby to take care of so why not add another log to the fire?

bring it on. i'll catch ya on the flip side.

in the meantime, here's a picture of little dude #3...


Jackie said...

You are a stronger woman than I, so I bet you'll put it off. Or you'll go completely insane.

Cormorant said...

Good luck! I want to get Ava trained before baby #2 comes, but I don't really know if that's going to happen.

jess said...

Wow! Good luck Whit! By the way, Oliver is ADORABLE!

Morgan said...

ok, first of all... could oliver be any cuter?? he is so precious. i think he looks like a shafer! second... good luck with kadin. you are a brave soul indeed. i should probably potty train asher, but i just don't want to. paying attention to asher's every move to make sure he doesn't pee on the furniture... it makes me tired just thinking about it, and i don't even have a newborn. love you, miss you!

Megan said...

Best wishes for a quick learner! I hope he's very cooperative. We've only bought diapers for one for the last 5 months - I'm not looking forward to going back to two in 6 weeks.

Lindsey said...

I've been thinking of doing the same thing! We are waiting to run out of diapers. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.

janaya said...

quote from burton: "he's cuuuUUuuute!" you guys sure have the cute baby boy genes figured out. that is one sweet little guy.

Stephen said...

Ah, this is probably why you weren't at the park today then... We missed you, but sounds like you're busy with a VERY worthy cause!

Michal Thompson said...

oh, you can do it. It's true, you might as well, can't get any harder!

Unknown said...

Good luck with that. Potty training Reagan was the worst time of my life. I hated every minute of it and thank my lucky stars that she is FINALLY trained. It took forever and it was a battle.