last week my kids got the stomach flu.... again. i swear, i'm going to shoot myself if my poor kids (or poor me) have to go through this again... like ever. i think this is like the fourth or fifth time they've had the flu in the last 18 months.
ben left on a business trip to chicago on tuesday night the 12th. after midnight that night, joel, woke me up covered in vomit. the poor thing. he spent all night throwing up over a dozen times. i "slept" on the couch so i could hear him, did about 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the carpet on several different occasions and changed his sheets and clothes countless times throughout the night. kadin slept through all of this, but woke up the next morning at about 7:00 dry-heaving. after kadin woke up, i finally called my aunt and uncle in tears, asking if they could run to the store for me and get some gatorade. kadin didn't throw up until the next night, again at about midnight, but thankfully only once. they kept throwing up and having the runs off and on over the next 4 days. it never ended! what happened to the 24-hour bug?! it was so heart breaking to see them so miserable.
ben finally came back on thursday night. lucky him. he timed his trip perfectly to miss the bulk of the nastiness. we were supposed to leave on friday evening to drive down to newport beach to hang with my family for the week, but ben sent me to
this fabulous hotel for the night instead so i could have a break and we could give the kids a little more time to get better. i shopped my little heart out AND, most importantly, i slept in. it was a perfect rejuvenation from the nightmare-ish last 3 days.
but saturday morning, kadin threw up again. he seemed to be fine, so we figured his stomach was just a little queasy still and that he was all better, so we took off for southern california that afternoon... whooops. bad idea. 45 miles away from our destination, he threw up all over himself, his blankets and his car seat and then for added measure he threw up again after we had just finished cleaning everything up. yuck. so... after kadin got better, and then after i got better, then after alexis got better, oh and after my mom got better... we all had a great trip! jillian also got the bug, but it hit on her flight back to utah after she had left us. sorry jill.
i'll post the FUN stuff from our trip in a couple of days...