so here's a smorgasbord of tidbits from our lives for the last month...
ben had a business trip in washington at the end of march, so we decided to take advantage of cheap fares and tag along. joel, kadin and i came a few days early and stayed with
kadi and joel and then we drove down to ben's parents house for the weekend when ben flew in. here's kadin, joel and carter having a "popcorn party," their favorite activity before bedtime.

grandma and grandpa shafer have lots of trains for the boys to play with and they always push them around on top of the coffee table. sadly, this has done a bit of a number to their nice, new coffee table, so grandpa mike made a new train track for the kids that goes right on top of the table... brilliant! happiness for grandma and grandpa and fun times for the boys!
brock and emily graced us with a visit earlier this month. man, we miss you guys... we're pulling for a job for brock in the bay area!

ben and i ran the salt lake city marathon last saturday. for all the gory details, click
here. this was our first time back to utah since moving away in october. it was great to be back. morgan and nate
blessed their precious, little guy, sayer, the day after the marathon, so we were lucky to be able to be there. thanks for putting us up morg and nate! it was a great week, filled with lots of fun times with family and friends and lots of yummy food. and yet again, i was a lousy picture taker... ben and i took a couple of pictures in the morning before our marathon and that was it. not a single picture of sayer's blessing, my family... nothing. nice huh? i really need to be better about that.