Tuesday, July 28, 2009

cement cereal

aka rice cereal. i swear, no matter how much i wipe, that stuff never comes off his face.

oliver is 6 months now. wow that went by fast. i realized as i was typing this that i don't talk about oliver's demeanor very much. he is an absolute angel. the perfect third child. both joel and kadin were pretty good babies, so we were sure that we would have a tough baby this time around, but he's the best tempered out of the whole lot. maybe if we ever get a girl, she'll be just like me and give us a run for our money. :) anyway, oliver is such a joy to have in our family. he's so happy, hardly ever cries, sleeps like a log and eats like a champ. and those bright blue eyes and his squishableness (if that's a word) are just irresistible . this kid's chunkiness seriously astounds me. so for your squishing pleasure...

oliver and his cousin tyler. tyler was born about 3 1/2 months after oliver.
ben's dad made this cradle for his babies long ago... we took a picture just like this of joel and carter (tyler's older brother) right after joel was born. joel and carter are 3 months apart, too. we just HAD to recreate the cuteness!
and a little video for fun...

Monday, July 27, 2009

eye candy for triplets

a friend of mine had triplet girls about a month ago. i made some onesie sets for them and they just turned out too cute not to share.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


we've been swimming a lot this summer... about 3 or 4 times a week. the bottom of our pool is literally like sand paper and joel is all over the place when he swims resulting in this....
and some tears...
but he still keeps going back for more. kadin is cold blooded like his mommy and sticks to the spa most of the time, so he doesn't end up with so many owies. see he's happy...

cat and gabi's wedding

one of my best friends, cat, was married at the end of june. her husband, gabi, is totally stellar.... i couldn't think of a better man for her. ben's parents were kind enough to watch the kids for us while we hopped over to denver for the event.

doing the dew after a LONG day.
us with the happy couple. sorry your eyes are closed, cat... i guess we should have taken another one.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

lucky dogs

i hate to rub it in, but ben and i won VIP coldplay tickets from a drawing at ben's work. we get free parking, a free meal and really awesome seats. ben's good pal from work was in charge of drawing all the names for a bunch of concerts and she knew how desperately ben wanted to see coldplay... i think she rigged it, but she swears it was legit. :) lucky us.

in other news... joel left our tricycle out in the breezeway of our apartment a couple of weeks ago. we were heading out the door that evening and i didn't want to take the time to put it away. i thought, "who's gonna steal an old, rusty tricycle?" think again. the next morning, it was gone. nice. it was a hand-me-down, but i'm stilled bummed. next time, i'll know better.